Business & Engineering: New product development, project management, human machine systems, human factors and ergonomics, health care process and system modeling, health systems redesign.

Health Care: Cost-effectiveness analysis, technology innovation, development and evaluation of medical devices, quality in health care, health policy, emergency response systems, clinical decision support system.

Statistics: probabilistic risk assessment, failure mode and effect analysis, root cause analysis.

Computer Science: distribute multi agent systems, parallel programming.



Department Of Veterans Affairs, New England Healthcare Engineering Partnership Veterans Engineering Resource Center, Pilot Grant. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $25,000.

U19 AI091173-01 (Swartz, PI) 08/1/2010 - Present
National Institute of Health. Center Title: Dartmouth Biodosimetry Center for Medical Countermeasures against Radiation. Role: Project Manager, Spectroscopist, Human Factors Engineer.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) National Research Service Award, Institutional Training Grant (PI - Flood) 07/1/2007 - 06/30/2009
Role: Pre-Doctoral Training Fellow.

U19  AI067733  (Swartz, PI, Project 3) 09/01/05 – 08/31/10
National Institutes of Health, Center for Biophysical Assessment and Risk Management Following Irradiation. Project Title: In Vivo EPR for After-the-Fact Measurement of Dose. Role: Key Personnel.

HR0011-08-C-0022 (Swartz, PI) 01/15/08-09/30/2009
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), High Throughput-Low Cost Biologically Based Triage for Radiation Exposure Based on EPR Measurements of Radiation-Induced Changes in Fingernails and Toenails. Role: Key Personnel.

HR0011-08-C-0023 (Swartz, PI)01/15/08-09/30/2009 DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), High Throughput-Low Cost Biologically Based Triage for Radiation Exposure Based on EPR Measurements of Radiation-Induced Changes in Teeth. Role: Key Personnel.

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